Monday, June 14, 2021

Stand for Equitable and Inclusive Education!

Activists and concerned citizens are planning a protest picket on Thursday (June 17) at 11:30am in front of the Northland Country Club.  The protest is against a meeting that will be taking place there by the Center of the American Experiment, which is trying to rile people up against anti-racist curriculum in schools.  The Center has been holding these types of meetings across the country, trying to create a movement against “critical race theory” and any attempt to provide an inclusive, honest portrayal of American history in our public schools.

The following quote from the Center’s website provides a snapshot of their message: “Join us to learn more about how Critical Race Theory advances a leftist, anti-American agenda that radically changes how our children learn about their country. Most important, learn how parents can push back against the politicizing of our schools. Each informational session will cover the revisions to Minnesota’s social studies standards that are now in progress, the “woke” movement that is transforming our education system, and alternatives to public schools.

To counter this misinformed and racist meeting, folks are encouraged to make signs that call for inclusive and honest education curriculum.  The goal is to alert the community and press about what is going on, and help organize a counter-movement.

This protest picket is an ad hoc project that was called by Liz and Inese Holte.  It will take place on Superior Street, in front of the Northland County Club which is located at 3901 E. Superior Street in Duluth.  And everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  It’s titled “Students, Educators and Families for Equitable and Inclusive Education” and there is an event page for it on facebook that has more information.  Here is the link for it:

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