Sunday, September 27, 2020

About Us

The Northwoods Socialist is a publication of the Northwoods Socialist Collective.  We cover the class struggle and social justice movements in northern Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Our goal is to be a useful resource and voice for workers and activists.  We strive to cover and promote the anti-war, labor, anti-racist, feminist, environmental, LGBTQAI+ and other social movements. 

In addition to promoting social movements, we also seek to encourage the study of Marxism, and the building a revolutionary socialist movement that can bring together workers and activists from different backgrounds and movements.  Towards that end you will find on this site links to Marxist educational and organizational resources.

We are guided by the mission statement of the Northwoods Socialist Collective:  The Northwoods Socialist Collective is a group of working class activists based in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.  We believe that a better world is possible, and that people should have a say in the matters that affect their lives.  That's why we're socialists.  We advocate for a revolutionary, internationalist eco-socialism that is anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-imperialist, as well as pro-feminist and pro-LGBTAQAI+ liberation.  We invite you to join us in the struggle to make our communities and world a better a place!

If you would like to write for this blog, take photographs or develop memes with us, or help in the distributing of printed materials promoting this blog, please contact us. 

You can reach the Northwoods Socialist by emailing or writing us at the addresses below:
  • email:
  • snail mail: P.O. Box 1943, Superior WI 54880  

Northwoods Socialist Collective links:

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