Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Nurses Three Day Strike Concludes

The 3 day nurses' strike ended this evening with a rally at Essentia and then St. Luke's. Ten minutes into the rally at Essentia, the building right behind us went up in flames. Luckily everyone was able to successfully evacuate the rally site, and after regrouping on the other side of St. Mary's Hospital, we marched to St. Luke's for a powerful wrap-up rally. 

Thank you to strike captains and leaders who ushered everyone to safety during the fire. And thank you to all of the nurses who stood up against Essentia and St. Luke's with this strike. The struggle isn't over! The Minnesota Nurses Association will be going back to the table to negotiate.  It remains to be seen if there will need be further actions to make the hospitals move.

 Stay tuned in the days and weeks ahead for further updates on the nurses struggle for safe staffing and a fair contract!

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