Monday, July 11, 2022

Update on Taysha Martineau's Legal Fight

Court has been set for a continuance August 31st, I was inclined to take a plea agreement and set for a Resolution of my case until I realized that part of the agreement was to not trespass enter or be within 1000 feet of Enbridge property or pipelines, I can not Trespass on my own Lands.  I own land at Magney Drive where I have a traditional prayer lodge built by Jim Northrup III and a traditional Wagonogan built by Neo Gabo Benais, my lodges and property are located directly next to an Enbridge easement where there exists multiple operating pipelines. I grew up in the foster care system and I hold a close relationship to my foster family to this day, In order to visit my sick Mother I must cross these pipelines twice. I snare rabbit, in order to get to the area where I trap and snare I must cross the pipeline easement again twice, and twice again to get to dead fish lake where I have riced now for 3 years, not to mention the contamination of dead fish lake from the aquifer breach.

This agreement would have been binding, and unreasonable, as it would directly impede on my constitutionally protected treaty rights to hunt fish and gather. Enbridge is a foreign oil company, none of the oil remains local, it is transported and shipped to other countries, if Enbridge line 3 was going to make a difference in our local economy then why am I paying so much at the pump?   I however do make a difference in my community, I am a fierce advocate for indigenous rights, a tenacious voice that speaks out against violence against women, and I empower and uplift our youth. I deserve to be free on the lands I belong to, especially the lands that my ancestors starved to death for in the winter of 1850. I am a treaty enforcer of the 1854, and my children and I have more rights to be here then the Enbridge Corporation.

>> The statement above is by Taysha Martineau - water protector facing legal charges connected to protesting the Line 3 pipeline.

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