Monday, April 11, 2022

Wanted: A Gas Price Rebellion

Gas prices are beyond ridiculous.

U.S. politicians would like the public to believe that this is because Russian oil exports have fallen drastically since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. (And the consequent Western sanctions most harshly affecting, you guessed it, working people.)

In fact, there’s no oil shortage in the U.S., which gets very little from Russia. However, oligarchs across the globe rely on fossil fuels for much of their wealth, and supply disruption threatens these multi-billionaires wherever they park their yachts.

Meanwhile, the powers-that-be dare to preach that paying more at the pump is a way to show support for besieged Ukrainians!

What BS. Why should oil companies and tycoons continue to rake in enormous profits at the expense of workers and poor people everywhere? Not to mention Earth itself!

For now, a rational response would be a working-class gas revolt demanding that Joe Biden impose price controls. Better yet would be nationalizing the oil industry under workers’ control while working at top speed to replace fossil fuels.

And, hey, if it takes workers overthrowing a government or two to achieve these goals, so be it!

 >> Reprinted from Freedom Socialist newspaper.

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