Sunday, February 6, 2022

"No War With Russia" Protest Held in Duluth on Feb. 5

 Thank you to everyone who turned out for for the February 5 "No War With Russia" protest in Duluth. The snowstorm made for a beautiful back drop, though at the price of a modest turnout. Nevertheless we were proud to be one of the dozens of cities across the country holding anti-war actions this weekend to try and stop Washington's march to war in Ukraine.

About a dozen folks participated in the protest, and the response from passing motorists and pedestrians was overwhelmingly positive.  The event also received coverage on some of the local TV stations, including Fox 21.  

Click here to view their coverage 

The Duluth protest was held as part of a national day of action against the threat of war in Eastern Europe.  Dozens of cities across the country held protests, from Missoula, Montana to Dallas, Texas.  

Keep your eye on this blog for announcements about future possible anti-war actions!

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