Saturday, February 26, 2022

City Workers of Duluth Rally for Fair Wages & Benefits

City workers of Duluth are locked in a bitter contract fight with Mayor Larson's administration.  They've been working without a contract for a year and a half, while their union, AFSCME Local 66, has been trying to get the city to agree to a fair contract with decent wages and benefits.

City workers - who do everything from keep our streets clear to fixing burst water main pipes - have had to endure severe hardships during the pandemic, including working some days without pay.  Add to that the rising cost of everything from groceries to rent, the workers are in dire need a new contract that maintains their benefits, and provides for a much needed raise.

To call out the city's intransigence, and allow workers themselves to tell their stories, Local 66 held a march and rally on February 26.  About 150 workers from AFSCME, other unions and activist groups, gathered at 10am at the downtown Library.  From there they marched to the Civic Center, and held a rally on the City Hall steps.  Workers took turns talking about the vital services that they provide, the long hours that they put in and their need for a fair and equitable contract.

All in all it was a very powerful and moving display of solidarity.  The union and the city will be going back to the table this week.  We urge all of our readers to support the city workers and their union.  We'll be sure to pass along any additional opportunities to show your solidarity to these union siblings.  And you can also stay in the loop through the AFSCME Local 66 facebook page.

>> This article was written by Adam Ritscher of the Northwoods Socialist Collective.

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