Saturday, January 22, 2022

Pro-Choice Activists Defend Abortion Clinic from "Jericho March"

 Today marked the 49th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling, Roe v. Wade, that legalized abortion across the U.S.   Unfortunately though we have seen a dramatic erosion of abortion rights, and are facing the very real prospect that the Supreme Court may soon reverse itself, allowing states to once again decide the matter.  The clash over whether abortion should be legal or not played out in the streets of Duluth this afternoon, as two opposing groups squared off in front the Building for Women, which is home to the WE Clinic – the only abortion clinic in the Northwoods.

First on the scene, at 3:30pm, was a determined group of pro-choice activists who gathered and formed a defensive line in front of the Building for Women’s plaza facing 1st Street.  Shortly afterwards a handful of anti-abortion activists arrived, and gathered on the corner of 1st Street and 1st Ave. E.  This has become a somewhat common occurrence over the last couple of years – anti-abortion groups will call an action in front of the Building for Women, but when the arrive they find the Building is guarded by a long line of pro-choice activists, leaving the anti-abortion folks to either have to cross the street, or limit themselves to the street corner.

Today turned out a bit different however.  Given the series of reactionary set backs that reproductive rights have gone through, the anti-abortion forces are feeling emboldened.  This was reflected in the larger than usual turn out that anti-abortion side was able to mobilize.  By 4pm they outnumbered those of us forming the pro-choice line.   

At first some of the anti-abortion people tried to position themselves inside our line, but they quickly realize that passing cars generally couldn’t make out that they weren’t part of the pro-choice contingent.  So then a group of them started to try and stand in the street, in front of the pro-choice line.  This resulted in a lot of repositioning of protesters from the two sides, especially those closest to the 1st St. and 1st Ave. corner of the building, each trying to make sure that it was their signs that were most visible.  Eventually the anti-abortion faction settled on the tactic of marching, parade like, around the entire block.  When they came to the front of the Building for Women they past between a line of pro-choicers standing on the part of the sidewalk closest to the building, and another line standing at the edge of the street.  While the anti-abortion side had more numbers, their signs became all but invisible as they past through the pro-choice gauntlet.

At the height of the event, there were about 50 pro-choice activists present guarding the Clinic and holding signs.  They were mobilized by the HOTDISH Militia.  The pro-choice contingent was mostly made up of young people, was fairly diverse, and were all wearing masks. 

The anti-abortion side probably had about 80 adults (they also had with them about a dozen small children holding signs that the adults had clearly made for them).  Surprisingly, despite the centrality of life to their farming of the abortion debate, very few of them were wearing masks.  They were mobilized by a group called Pro-Life Ministries, and they called their event the “Jericho March”.  In their promotional announcements they framed their action as a stand against the “holocaust” against “pre-born babies”. At the event itself, in addition to a giant wooden cross, they carried signs with messages that ranged from “Everyone Loves Babies” to “Moral Purity, Not Contraception”.

While it’s disappointing that the anti-abortion faction was able to mobilize more people this time, this was partly off set by the fact that pro-choice financial donors agreed to donate $73 to the WE Clinic for each anti-abortion protester who showed up.  Nevertheless, the event highlighted the need for the left to do a better job of turning out for reproductive justice.  Every pro-choice action is an opportunity to broaden the circle of those involved in this crucial struggle.  This issue isn’t going to be settled by courts and politicians, it’s going to be settled by people mobilizing.  Together we can and must build a diverse and dynamic mass movement that can win abortion access, parental health, and economic justice for all!  The struggle continues!  Thank you to everyone who turned out for reproductive justice today, and we’ll see you all next time at the next action!

SPECIAL NOTE: If you'd also like to make a donation to the WE Clinic, you can do so through the HOTDISH Militia's website at this address:

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