Monday, September 20, 2021

Eco-Socialism vs Extinction

On September 19 the Northwoods Socialist Collective hosted a discussion on “Eco-Socialism vs Extinction” at Gichi-ode’ Akiing park in Duluth.  The event was part of a re-launch of the Socialism and a Slice discussion/potluck series.  About 30 people attended the outdoor event. 

Carl Sack, a Collective member who is also an instructor at the Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College, was the presenter.  Carl is a long time environmental and socialist activist.  Following his talk we had an engaging discussion on different approaches to social change, and the hurdles that we'll have to over come to save the planet.

You can view a recording of his presentation at this link:

Socialism and a Slice was a long running monthly discussion series that had been put on hiatus because of the pandemic.  Organizers from the Northwoods Socialist Collective are hoping to bring it back.  Stay tuned for info on upcoming Socialism and a Slice and other Collective events!

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