Saturday, May 1, 2021

Urge the MNA to Keep Cliff Willmeng on its Board of Directors!

In May of 2020, a registered nurse by the name of Cliff Willmeng was fired from Allina Health in retaliation for demanding that health care workers at his job site get more PPE, and to this day is fighting to get his job back. He was elected to the Minnesota Nurses Association board of directors last November due largely to the solidarity from his unjust firing.

This past month, Cliff led a group that kicked the national guard out of the St. Paul labor center, and he is now getting a lot of pressure to resign from right wingers inside and outside of his union, and the Minnesota Nurses Association board of directors is now seriously considering removing him. We are asking our readers to counter this by sending letters of support saying that we oppose his removed from Minnesota Nurses Union board to:

For more information about this, here are some links:

>> The article above was written by Mischa Coldwater.

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