Thursday, April 1, 2021

Elise Kehle and Emerson Ziehr for Ashland City Council!

The Northwoods Worker endorses two candidates for the upcoming April 6 City Council elections in Ashland, Wisconsin.  We are endorsing Elise Kehle for Ward 6 and Emerson Ziehr for Ward 10.  Our editors made this decision, in consultation with our Advisory Board, because we feel that Elise and Emerson represent an opportunity for Ashland voters to elect thoughtful and dedicated socialist candidates, that are running independent of the Democratic and Republican Parties.  Both candidates are members of the Communist Party, and while we may not agree with them or their party on everything, we support their campaigns and what they overall are trying to accomplish.  Now more than ever we feel it is crucial for independent working class voices to be heard, in the streets, in the workplaces and in the polling places.  We call on all our readers and supporters to vote for Elise and Emerson, and to help their campaigns in any way that you can.  

Their election campaigns come on the heels the local Communist Party's Wahsayah Whitebird's election to the Ashland City Council in 2019.

Below are links to their respective campaign pages on facebook:

-Elise Kehle:

-Emerson Ziehr:

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