Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Revolutionary Socialist Memoirs & Biographies

 On our "Working Class Heroes" page we feature a list of biographical essays about a variety of working class and socialist activists whose contributions to making the world a better place we feel are very much worth remembering.  On this page we feature a list of memoirs, biographies and collections of essays by a number of revolutionary socialists.  Where possible we link to any online content from the book.

  • James P. Cannon As We Knew Him
  • Fight Back: A Collection of Essays by Sylvia Weinstein
  • The Party by Barry Sheppard
  • Outsider's Reverie: A Memoir by Leslie Evans
  • Notebook of a Sixties Lawyer: An Unrepentant Memoir by Michael Steven Smith
  • A Tribute to George Breitman: Writer, Organizer, Revolutionary by Sarah Lovell
  • North Star: A Memoir by Peter Camejo
  • Memoirs of a Radical Rank & Filer by Ben Stone
  • My Brother, My Comrade (about Jake Cooper) by Dave Cooper
  • The New York Intellectuals: The Rise and Decline of the Anti-Stalinist Left from the 1930s to the 1980s by Alan Wald
  • C.L.R. James: A Life by Farrukh Dhondy
  • The View From the Painter’s Ladder by Roland Sheppard
  •  Holocaust to Resistance, My Journey by Suzanne Berliner Weiss
  •  The Bustelo incident: Marxism & feminism by Myra Tanner Weiss
  • In Love and Struggle: The Revolutionary Lives of James and Grace Lee Boggs by Stephen M. Ward
  • Living for Change by Grace Lee Boggs
  • From Marx to Mao: Autobiography of Arne Swabeck
  • The Prophet's Children by Tim Wohlforth

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