Thursday, October 29, 2020

Feminists Defend the Building for Women From Reactionaries

 A group of abortion opponents have been staging protests against the Building for Women as part of what they called "40 Days for Life". There are usually half a dozen of them. They mostly pray, but sometimes they also harass people using the clinic and intimidatingly call out feminist activists by name. Heather Bradford has been organizing pro-choice counter-protests against them all Fall. Last night was particularly intense though, since a 2nd anti-abortion group made up of 3 men with two mega-phones set up across the street and heckled us. A number of folks passing by joined the pro-choice ranks; at our height we had 20 people. The mega-phone reactionaries made such a spectacle of themselves and their hateful message that they not only alienated the audience that gathered to watch the battle, but even the original anti-abortion group on the scene made a point of disassociating themselves from them. A big thank you to everyone who came out and stood with us in support of reproductive rights!

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